June 2021 - Presidents Update

We have already reached almost halfway through the year and hopefully many of you will have received your second vaccination and be feeling a lot more positive about the second half of 2021. We have continued to support Forest Surgery as they very efficiently work their way through the vaccinations, and we were very pleased to receive a certificate of appreciation from them for our help.

Our planned litter pick took place on a day when the spring weather was kind to us, and we were amazed to have collected over 40 large bags of rubbish. Unfortunately, this shows that littering is still a big problem in our area, and we will be trying to get out picking on a more regular basis to try and help keep it under control. Bordon Library has kindly allowed us to set up a display of our achievements over the past 40 years so do please pop in and take a look, you will find many interesting pictures and press cuttings . The display will be moving to Liphook library mid-June so those of you living in that area will also get the chance to view it. The big event we are in the middle of planning now is a Fun Walk to celebrate our 40 years. This will be taking place on 20th June at Hogmoor Inclosure and should be a great family outing so please come and join us. Entry is free but you must pre-register by emailing me onaywilson@btopenworld.com  , you can see more details on our website news page.

I am very pleased to say that we have recently received a lot of interest from people considering becoming a member of Woolmer Forest Lions and wanting to find out more about us. We will be badging up two new members at our June meeting and look forward to welcoming them into our club. The process from first showing an interest to actually becoming a member usually takes about three months , if you would like to find out more, please contact our Membership Chairman, Richard Balchin on richardbalchin@btinternet.com. I hope you enjoy getting out and about more as restrictions are lifting and do keep checking our website and Facebook page to find out what we are getting up to.

Take care,

Joanne Wilson
