September 2020
President's Update
With September speeding by we are approaching that time of year when the evenings become darker and we start to plan our winter fundraising. This has, and will continue to be a very different year to any other. Plans are made and changed regularly, and we cannot be sure what fundraising will take place in the next few months.
Looking back over the summer when we started to see some improvement in the lockdown situation, we were able to get back out there amongst you. Our two stalls with homemade 'lions themed' face masks were very successful, and I would like to thank all of you who came along to support us. It was also lovely to see some of you at the outdoor panto held in Bordon - some much needed light relief.
We have managed to hold our regular monthly meetings via Zoom - not quite the same as seeing everyone face to face , but at least it allows us to carry on with our business matters.
We very sadly lost one of our very active and treasured members this month. Catherine had been a member for over five years and in that time many of you will have seen her out there in all weathers on our stalls, parking cars or holding a collection bucket. As well as the great job she did fundraising and helping with welfare cases, Catherine was our Almoner and so took care of any of us Lions who were not well or needed some extra support. This was a role well suited to her very caring nature. She will be greatly missed by all of us.
Unfortunately, the Blackmoor Apple Tasting Day will not be taking place this year, this is normally a very big fundraiser for us, but we will continue to try and raise funds in other ways and hopefully you will support us. We will be at the Country Market car boot sale next month and starting to plan our Christmas collections, so that we can -provide Christmas Food Parcels for families in need. Please keep checking our website and Facebook page for updates on when and where we will be.
Why not consider becoming a member yourself. You can give as much or as little time as you can afford and if you can only help from home but have some IT skills, we would love to hear from you. If you would like further information please do get in touch with me at:
Please continue to take care of yourselves and lets all keep following the latest Covid advice.
Thank you for reading this.
Joanne Wilson