February 2024

Words from the President


Santa and John Lewis - Royal Exchange Lindford December 2023 

I simply cannot believe that I am now, well into my second year of being the President of Woolmer Forest Lions Club.

The lead up to Christmas was a very busy period for all our members with our Christmas Sleigh collections taking place at selected venues such as Country Market and Tescos, and other locations. A huge thank you also to the local community for giving so generously.

Our links this year with the Royal Exchange in Lindford has enabled us to support the local community with their fundraising for Woolmer Forest Lions through their Thursday Quiz Nights and the Christmas Hamper raffle, not to mention our 'Meet Father Christmas Night' and Christmas Carols involving links with the pub, Lindford Parish Council and All Saints Church Headley Choir. A free night for children and families. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL.

As we now turn to the new year our focus is on Publicity and Recruitment. This is both towards increasing Lions Membership and indeed Friends of WFL Club. I always value the fantastic and continued efforts of the current members and small group of friends of Woolmer Forest Lions. Our strength lies in our ability to help those in need. It's Lions Club like ours that truly exemplify the Lions Mission Statement:

'To empower volunteers to serve their communities and meet humanitarian needs.'

If you would like to have fun and help our community then please contact us via the website 

In the meantime please support our Easter Egg Appeal this year, more details of that will be provided soon.

Kind Regards,

John Lewis 

WFL Club President