Welcome to Woolmer Forest Lions Club

Woolmer Forest Lions distributing Christmas parcels

Woolmer Forest Lions Club was established in 1981, with help from Alton Lions Club. Our aim is to support people in our community who need help. Woolmer Forest Lions Club is part of Lions Club International, which was created during 1917 in the United States of America. This worldwide movement has approximately 50,000 clubs with over 1.35 million members.

Virtually all proceeds from events and activities we take part in, is put back into the local community, all administration costs are met by the members. We do support Lions International and National appeals for emergency aid, such as major earthquakes, flooding and famine.

We have a monthly 'Business' Meeting at the Lindford Working Men's Club, 56 Liphook Road, GU35 0PN on the first Monday of each month, unless it falls on a bank holiday, at 7.30pm where we discuss forthcoming events, requests for funding and social events.

Some members are retired, some run their own businesses or work in a variety of jobs. They come from all walks of life. Our passion is to put something back into the Bordon and local area, whilst having fun and helping people who need it. If you would like to become a member, then you have an open invitation to contact our Membership Officer at membership@woolmerforestlions.org.uk

Lindford & District Working Mens Club

56 Lindford Road


GU35 0PN

If members of the public wish to contact Woolmer Forest Lions, there is a Freephone number 0345 833 7858

Becoming a Member of WFL Club

Please contact Membership Chairman Richard Balchin at richardbalchin@btinternet.com

" Notice to Visitors to the Website or Facebook Page  of Lions Clubs International MD105 British Isles:

Please be advised that we will never ask anyone seeking a grant from Lions Clubs International or from any Lions Club to make any payment to secure a Lions grant.

Anyone contacting you by telephone, by letter or online and offering a Lions grant in exchange for a fee or advance payment to secure a Lions grant is doing so fraudulently, and you should not proceed with the matter. " 

Woolmer Forest Lions Club (CIO) Reg. charity no. 1174890

East Hants Lottery QR Code

East Hants QR code

This QR Code can be used to directly access the East Hants Lottery supported by the WFL Club